Petunia Lavender Blush boasts exquisite lavender-purple blooms adorned with a delicate ribbon of cream-white along the edges of each petal. Dark purple veins gracefully converge at the centre, accentuating its captivating beauty. Ideal for containers, hanging baskets, or as a standout feature in garden borders, it promises a stunning summer showcase wherever it’s planted.
Lavender Blush
Sold in a 10cm pot
Scientific Name: Petunia x hybrida
Blooming Season: Summer, Autumn
Plant Habit: Mounded, Trailing
Water: Medium
Fertilize: Once a week
Spacing: 10 – 14″ (25 – 36cm)
Height: 12 – 14″ (30 – 36cm)
Width: 10 – 14″ (25 – 36cm)
Exposure: Sun
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